You might imagine rows of desks placed in specific alignment when you hear the terms commercial office design. In fact, you could not be more right! However, with the communal workspace design concept coming to light, workspaces should be places that foster wellbeing and productivity. It should be where people feel content.

It is not an exaggeration to admit that there is a lot of scope for designing a commercial space. However, it may take some initial planning and research to create a thoughtfully designed workspace successfully.

Here is some inspiration to help you design a workspace that your employees are proud to be a part of.

Biophilic Office Design

Incorporating more plants within office spaces and sustainable designs will sure to pay off. Moving the outdoors inside has never been more important and exciting. According to studies, nature can have a considerable impact on people’s moods. Therefore, introducing employees to ample greenery inside the office will boost their morale and productivity, not to mention it allows for a fresher atmosphere with more oxygen passing through the space.

Flexibility in Workplace

Over the last few years, a progressive shift towards flexible working policies has been noticed. The last year has shown that it is possible to work effectively while working flexibly. Therefore, there should be a good balance while introducing flexible working arrangements to the workspace.

While you may not be looking for a complete office overhaul, we suggest a workplace refurbishment to accommodate flexible working. Introducing spaces where employees can participate in hot desking, and general workspaces that are not allocated for any specific person are great examples of how you can change your workspace according to the new way of working.

Open Spaces With Natural Lighting

We are predicting that large open office spaces will dominate the commercial design world in the future. With large open office spaces, with high ceilings and breakout spaces, you can create a more flexible workspace for employees. The addition of large windows will allow for more natural light, which is again a great way to boost employee morale.

Minimalism being the key

The final commercial design trend we predict is a return to minimalism. With a focus on complying with current regulations, workspaces should be free from clutter. In addition to this, minimalist furniture is becoming popular, with a focus on ability and functionality for keeping office spaces clean. When you keep your office design in alignment with the latest trend, you can create a warm and welcoming workspace that encourages your employees to feel motivated.

Do you feel intrigued by any of the designs mentioned above? Get in touch with our expert commercial designer to help transform your workspace. Let our experts know your design needs, and create a bespoke design solution that suits your taste and budget. Please visit our website before starting your next commercial design project.

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